Agents - License granted to an out-of-state institution’s representative (recruiter), authorizing him/her to locally enroll DC residents in the programs offered by the institution. It is generally granted for one year.
Conditional Exemption - Limited circumstances that may exempt institutions from the needing full licensure. This approval may be valid for as long as the conditions that served as basis for the exemption are standing. Institutions are required to request annual renewals to assure this.
Conditional Exemption- Congressional Charter - Degree granting institution authorized by the Congress of the United States and accredited by a regional accreditation association recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. To maintain this exemption that institution files annually with the ELC an audited financial statement, proof of accreditation status, course catalog, and annual data survey. Additionally, the institutions makes provisions for the ELC to serve as an observer on all accreditation visits and furnishes the ELC with copies of all accreditation reports.
Institution License - License granted to an institution authorizing it to continue operating and conferring degrees, diplomas or certificates. It may be granted for one, two or three years.
Permanent - License issued upon request by a degree granting institution that is compliant with all District of Columbia laws and regulations, has been licensed by the ELC and in good standing for at least 5 years, maintains accreditation by a U.S. Department of Education recognized accreditation agency and have demonstrated financial soundness.
Provisional - The first license granted to an institution authorizing it to operate and confer degrees, diplomas or certificates in the District of Columbia. It is generally granted for one year.
Revocation - Action taken by the Commission whereby the institution’s approval to operate is voided and the right to operate has ended.
Suspension - Action taken by the Commission requiring an institution to stop operating immediately for a specified period of time.