Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

NewU University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Human Behavior, Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Arts in Creativity and Innovation Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Sustainability and Climate Change1100 15th StreetNWWashingtonDC2000502/28/2024DegreeInstitution License
Center for Innovation, Research, and Transformation in Education dba The Chart Academy CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+, AWS Cloud Technician Specialist, Early Childhood Development, Custodial Technician Specialist529 14th Street, Suite 460NWWashingtonDC2000504/30/2025Non-DegreeProvisional
University of Business, Innovation and Sustainability Master of Science in Information Technology, Master of Arts in International Affairs, Business Administration , Business Administration , Business Administration , International Relations1401 H StreetNWWashingtonDC2000510/31/2024DegreeProvisional
International Teachers University Master in Education1300 I STREET Suite NWWashingtonDC2000508/31/2024DegreeProvisional
Duke University Duke in DC, Duke in DC Policy, Leadership and Innovation Program1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, 5th floorNWWashingtonDC2000407/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Institute of Project Management F Street, Suite 1050NWWashingtonDC20004 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Health Insurance Association of America1201 F Street NWNWWashingtonDC20004 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
International Teachers University Master in Education1101 Pennsylvania AvNWWashingtonDC2000408/31/2024DegreeProvisional
Marquette University/Les Aspin Center for Government East Capitol StNEWashingtonDC20003 DegreePermanent
Amala Lives Institute Culinary Job Training, Hospitality, Small Business Entrepreneurship80 M StreetSEWashingtonDC2000311/30/2024Non-DegreeInstitution License