Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

International Teachers University Master in Education1300 I STREET Suite NWWashingtonDC2000508/31/2024DegreeProvisional
Parami University Connecticut Avenue #700NWWashingtonDC2003606/30/2025DegreeInstitution License
Trinity Washington Universityhttp://www.trinitydc.edu125 Michigan Ave.NEWashingtonDC20017 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
Southeast Welding Academy Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Tungsten Arc Welding, Oxy-fuel Plasma Cutting Operation, Basic Pipe Welding, Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding1235 Kenilworth AvenueNEWashingtonDC2001905/31/2025Non-DegreeInstitution License
Test HELC Washington DC Institute Android Development Immersive, 360 Marketing Certificate, Associate Degree of Applied Science in Medical Office Administration, Test Program - Trash123 Main st LaurelMD2070709/05/2028DegreeClosed- Good Standing
Duke University Duke in DC, Duke in DC Policy, Leadership and Innovation Program1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, 5th floorNWWashingtonDC2000407/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Health Insurance Association of America1201 F Street NWNWWashingtonDC20004 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Veterans Enterprise Training & Services Group, Inc. (The Vets Group) Web Development, PC Specialist, Microsoft Office Specialist, Certified Cable Installation , Network Specialist, Project Management, AWS Cloud Computing, Wireless Broadband Technician, Cyber Security Professional Level 1, Cyber Security Professional Level 2, Certified Wireless Tower Climber, Security Specialist1200 18th Street LL-100NWWashingtonDC2003607/31/2025Non-DegreeInstitution License
Institute of Project Management F Street, Suite 1050NWWashingtonDC20004 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Nexford University Master in Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science in Data Analytics, Product Management, Associate of Science in Business Administration, 360 Marketing Certificate, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and the Future of Automation Certificate, Building a Tech Startup Certificate, Business Analytics Certificate, Digital Transformation Certificate, Doing Business Across Emerging Markets Certificate, Supply Chain & E-Commerce Certificate, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Science in Technology Management, Global Business, Global Issues, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Robotics, Bachelor of Science in Marketing1140 3rd Street, Suite 200NEWashingtonDC2000211/30/2024DegreeInstitution License