Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

Learnix Tree Center, LLC Cybersecurity, Sotftware Testing/QA N/AWashingtonDC  Non-DegreeProvisional
Moreland University (TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education) Master in Education, Certificate in Teacher Preparation, Master in Educational Leadership, Master in Education (Early Childhood Education), Master in Education (Special Education), Master in Education (Teaching Multilingual Learners), Master of Education (Technology Focus)1100 17th Street; Suite 650NWWashingtonDC2003609/30/2026DegreeInstitution License
NewU University Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Human Behavior, Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Arts in Creativity and Innovation Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Sustainability and Climate Change1100 15th StreetNWWashingtonDC2000502/28/2024DegreeInstitution License
Georgia Institute of Technology GT@DC; Pathways to Policy N/AWashingtonDC 10/31/2024DegreeConditional Exemption
Pepperdine University Internships/Study in DC (only for enrolled students), Master of Legal Studies, Master of Dispute Resolution, Master of Arts in Psychology, Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (Marriage and Family Therapy), Externship- 2nd and 3rd year JD Candidates, Master of Arts in Human Resources Leadership, Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship in Change, Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis , Master of Science in Business Analytics, Human Resource Management (Graduate Certificate), Masters in Public Policy and Leadership, Masters in Management and Leadership, Master of Public Policy Bi-Coastal Program, Master of Public Policy2011 Pennsylvania AvenueNWWashingtonDC2000601/31/2025DegreeInstitution License
University of the Potomac (UOTP) English as a Second Language, Master in Business Administration (MBA), Medical Assistant, Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA), Data Science, Master of Science in Data Analytics, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), Master of Science in Information Technology, Associate of Science in Accounting, Associate of Science in Business, Associate of Science in Information Technology, Associate of Science in International Business, Accounting Clerical Support (Certificate), General Business (Certificate), Information Assurance (Certificate), International Studies (Certificate), Network Security Management, Office Application Support (Certificate), Project Management, Business Accounting (Certificate), General Management (Certificate), Government Contract Management (Certificate), Health Systems Management (Certificate), Information Systems Management (Certificate), International Business (Certificate), Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Science in Health Informatics, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business, Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Policy, Bachelor of Science in Government Contract Management, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in International Business, Bachelor of Science in Data Analytics and Management, Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Information Management, Cyber Security, Software Developer, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Doctor of Education (EdD), Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Education, Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Development, Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Development, Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of Computer Science, Master of Science in Geospatial Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Geospatial Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Associate of Science in Criminal Justice1401 H StreetNWWashingtonDC2000501/31/2025DegreeInstitution License
University of California - Irvine Master of Advanced Study in Criminology, Law, and Society, Master of Human Computer Interaction and Design, Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology, Master of Science, Pharmacology, FLEX MBA Program      DegreeProvisional
Quantic School of Business and Technology formerly Smartly Institute Master in Business Administration (MBA), Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Leadership & Management, Master of Science in Business Analytics, Data Science Foundations, Master of Science in Software Engineering , Executive MBA in Strategy and Leadership, AI for Business Transformation, AI for Building Software, Quantic Founders Program, Quantic CTO Program, Financial Accounting for Non-Financial Managers, Quantic Executive Program, Quantic CMO Course, Artificial Intelligence for Technical Leaders, Leadership Accelerator for Aspiring Managers80 M Street SE, SuitNWWashingtonDC2000307/31/2025DegreeInstitution License
Georgetown University - Center for Career and Professional Education Massachusetts AvenueNWWashingtonDC20001 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Stanford University Stanford in Washington2661 Connecticut Ave.NWWashingtonDC2000811/30/2024DegreeConditional Exemption