Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

American Petroleum Institute Massachusetts Ave NWWashingtonDC20001 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Amala Lives Institute Culinary Job Training, Hospitality, Small Business Entrepreneurship80 M StreetSEWashingtonDC2000311/30/2024Non-DegreeInstitution License
Allied Health and Technology Institute Health/Allied Health, Nurse Assistant, Bridge Program (CNA to Home Health Aide)2000 Rhode Island AvenueNEWashingtonDC20018 Non-DegreeInstitution License
Accessibility Excellence Academy (AEA) Nurse Assistant1818 New York Avenue, Suite 232NEWashingtonDC2000202/28/2024Non-DegreeProvisional
seek-warrow-warrow-eseek-e171 - 174 of 174 items