Active Institutions

Use the search below to find your institution by name or course offering.

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Course Offering:

Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Michigan in Washington (Internship)901 4th StreetNWWashingtonDC20036 DegreeConditional Exemption
University of Connecticut (UConn) School of Law Internships/Study in DC (only for enrolled students)1608 Rhode Island AvNWWashingtonDC2003605/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
University of Georgia Washington Semester Program, DC Semester in Practice, Grady in DC, Washington Summer Program in Public History608 Massachusetts AvenueNEWashingtonDC2000207/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Brown University Brown in Washington529 14th Street, Suite 975NWWashingtonDC2004507/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
The College of William and Mary- William and Mary Washington Center DC Semester Program (Spring, Fall), DC Winter Seminars, DC Summer Institute, DC Summer Session901 4th Street, Suite 700NWWashingtonDC2000107/31/2024DegreeConditional Exemption
University of Colorado Boulder CU in DC Internship Program1601 R StreetNWWashingtonDC2000907/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Ohio University Scripps Semester in DC2149 P StreetNWWashingtonDC2003708/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Baylor University Baylor in Washington (Internships)700 K StreetNWWashingtonDC2000107/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Wake Forest University Wake Washington (Internships), DC Summer Judicial Externship ProgramOne Dupont Circle - Suite 420NWWashingtonDC2003607/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Eastern Mennonite University Washington Community Scholar's Center836 Taylor StreetNEWashingtonDC2001709/30/2025DegreeConditional Exemption