Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family Doctorate in Sacred Theology, Doctor of Philosophy in Theology, Advanced Graduate Study in Theology620 Michigan Ave.NEWashingtonDC20064 DegreePermanent
Johns Hopkins Universityhttp://www.jhu.edu555 Pennsylvania Ave.NWWashington (send mail to 1740!)DC20001 DegreePermanent
Lake Forest Graduate School of Management Master in Business Administration (MBA)1310 G StreetNWWashingtonDC20005 DegreePermanent
Marquette University/Les Aspin Center for Government East Capitol StNEWashingtonDC20003 DegreePermanent
New York University (NYU) Washington, DC Liberal Arts, Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA)1307-1311 L St.NWWashingtonDC20005 DegreePermanent
Strayer Universityhttp://www.strayer.edu1133 15th Street, #200NWWashingtonDC20005 DegreePermanent
Trinity Washington Universityhttp://www.trinitydc.edu125 Michigan Ave.NEWashingtonDC20017 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
University of Maryland, College Park Master in Business Administration (MBA), Master of Professional Studies in Applied Economics, Economic Analysis (Graduate Certificate)1400 16th StreetNWWashington DC20036 DegreePermanent
University of Maryland Global Campus http://www.umuc.eduJoint Base Anacostia-Bolling 112 Brookley Ave Building 112, Suite 100SEWashingtonDC20032 DegreePermanent
Washington University in St. Louis-Olin Business School Certificate in Public Leadership, Certificate in Policy Strategy1776 Massachusetts AvenueNWWashingtonDC20036 DegreeInstitution License