Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

Events Industry Councilhttps://www.eventscouncil.org2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800NWWashingtonDC20036 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification
Fielding Graduate University Certificate in Media Psychology, MA in Media Psychology, PhD in Psychology, Postdoctoral Certificate in Clinical Psychology, Postdoctoral Certificate of Respecialization in Clinical Psychology, PhD in Infant and Early Childhood, Certificate in Neuropsychology Specialization, Doctor of Education (EdD) with an emphasis in Leadership for Change, Evidence Based Coaching Certificate, MA in Infant, Child, and Family Mental Health and Development, PhD in Organizational Development and Change, MA in Organization Development and Leadership, PhD in Human Development (HD), PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology, PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Media Psychology N/AWashingtonDC 08/31/2025DegreeProvisional
Flatiron School, LLC Cyber Security Analytics (Part Time, Online), Data Science Flex, Software Engineering Flex, Data Science Live, Software Engineering Live, Cybersecurity Engineering Live, Product Design Live, Product Design Flex, Cybersecurity Engineering Flex N/AWashingtonDC 01/31/2025Non-DegreeProvisional
Florida International University College of Communication and Arts Internship, Journalism Internship, Effective Government Communications, Executive Education: Emerging Tropical Diseases, Executive Education: Cybersecurity Policy601 NEW JERSEY AVENUNWWashingtonDC2000101/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
Four Walls Career & Technical Education Center Construction, Adult Basic Education (ABE)/General Education Diploma (GED), National External Diploma Program (NEDP), Digital Literacy, Steam Engineering, Electrical Technician , Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Rise Up Customer Service and Sales Credentialing Training1125 Neal StreetNEWashingtonDC2000205/31/2025Non-DegreeInstitution License
Gallaudet Universityhttp://www.gallaudet.edu800 Florida Ave. NEWashingtonDC20002 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
General Assembly Python, Android Development Immersive, Data Analytics Remote, Data Analytics Remote, User Experience Design Remote, Visual Design Remote, Cybersecurity for Developers Short Course Online, Software Engineering Bootcamp Online, Data Science Short Course Online, Data Science Short Course Online, User Experience Design Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Short Course Online, Data Analytics Short Course Online, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Python Programming Short Course Online, React Development Short Course Online, User Experience Design Short Course Online, Visual Design Short Course Online, Digital Marketing Short Course Online, Front-End Web Development Short Course Online, JavaScript Development Short Course Online, Product Management Short Course Online, Data Science Bootcamp Online N/AWashingtonDC 05/31/2025Non-DegreeInstitution License
George Washington University (The)http://www.gwu.edu2121 I Street NWWashingtonDC20052 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
Georgetown Universityhttp://www.georgetown.edu3700 O StreetNWWashingtonDC20057 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
Georgetown University - Center for Career and Professional Education Massachusetts AvenueNWWashingtonDC20001 CertificateSAA-Licensing & Certification