Active Institutions

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Below are the listings of all active institutions approved to operate in the District of Columbia. Click on the Institution Name to see a profile of the institution, including contacts and course offerings. Click on the website hyperlinks to go directly to the institution web page.

Stanford University Stanford in Washington2661 Connecticut Ave.NWWashingtonDC2000811/30/2024DegreeConditional Exemption
Strayer Universityhttp://www.strayer.edu1133 15th Street, #200NWWashingtonDC20005 DegreePermanent
The Chicago School Master of Arts in Psychology, Master of Public Health, Dual Enrollment: MS Counseling Psychology & MS Applied Behavior Analysis, Doctor of School Psychology, Applied Behavior Analysis (Graduate Certificate), Master of Arts Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Arts Counseling Psychology, Master of Arts Forensic Psychology: Professional Counselor Licensure Track, Master of Arts Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Internship/Thesis , Master of Science Applied Behavior Analysis, Doctor of Business Psychology, Consulting Track, Doctor of Counselor Education and Supervision, Doctor of Organizational Leadership, Post-Bachelors Doctor of Applied Behavior Analysis, Post Masters Doctor of Applied Behavior Analysis, Post-Masters Doctor of Applied Behavior Analysis, Credential Track, Post-Masters Doctorate of Business Psychology, I/O Track, Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership, Doctor in International Psychology (PhD), Doctorate in Educational Psychology and Technology (Ed.D.), Master of Health Services Administration, Master of Art in Applied Behavioral Analysis, Master of Arts in Behavioral Economics, Master of Art in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Master of Art in International Psychology, Master of Art in Psychopharmacology, Master of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology, Bachelor of Art in Criminology with Forensic Psychology Specialization, Bachelor of Art in Nursing (RN to BSN), Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management, Behavioral Economics (Certificate), Child and Adolescent Psychology (Certificate), Crisis-Informed Care (Certificate), Organizational Leadership (Certificate), Social and Community Psychology- Spanish (Certificate), Suicide and Cyberbullying (Certificate), Industrial Design (Certificate), Industrial and Organizational Leadership (Certificate), Post-Bachelor's Certificate in Applied Behavioral Analysis, Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Administration, MSN in Nursing Education, Doctor in Behavior Analysis (PhD), Online Teaching and Learning (Graduate Certificate), Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology901 15th Street 5th FloorNWWashingtonDC2000503/31/2025DegreeInstitution License
Transemantics Inc./International Language Institute Intensive English, Foreign Languages, Semi-Intensive English, TESOL/TEFL certificate programs1717 Rhode Island Ave., Suite 100NWWashingtonDC2003601/31/2026Non-DegreeInstitution License
Trinity Washington Universityhttp://www.trinitydc.edu125 Michigan Ave.NEWashingtonDC20017 DegreeConditional Exemption- Congressional Charter
United Planning Organization (Workforce Institute) Electrical Technician , Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), IT Help Desk and Application Support Specialist, Culinary Arts Professional, Building Maintenance Professional (BMP), Employment Services: Job Readiness Program, Weatherization & Building Analyst, Job Placement Employment Assistance and Case Management Services, Strength Base Family Worker, Child Development Associate, Commercial Driver's License, Plumbing Technician, Broadband Telecommunications Network Technician, Hospitality Hotel Industry Worker301 Rhode Island Ave.NWWashingtonDC2000111/30/2024Non-DegreeInstitution License
University of California Washington Center (UCDC) University of California Washington Program1608 Rhode Island Ave.NWWashingtonDC2003610/31/2024DegreeConditional Exemption
University of Maryland Global Campus http://www.umuc.eduJoint Base Anacostia-Bolling 112 Brookley Ave Building 112, Suite 100SEWashingtonDC20032 DegreePermanent
University of Notre Dame Political Science- Washington Program, Law in DC Semester, Keough School of Global Affairs1400 16TH STREETNWWashingtonDC2003603/31/2025DegreeConditional Exemption
University of the Potomac (UOTP) English as a Second Language, Master in Business Administration (MBA), Medical Assistant, Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA), Data Science, Master of Science in Data Analytics, Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), Master of Science in Information Technology, Associate of Science in Accounting, Associate of Science in Business, Associate of Science in Information Technology, Associate of Science in International Business, Accounting Clerical Support (Certificate), General Business (Certificate), Information Assurance (Certificate), International Studies (Certificate), Network Security Management, Office Application Support (Certificate), Project Management, Business Accounting (Certificate), General Management (Certificate), Government Contract Management (Certificate), Health Systems Management (Certificate), Information Systems Management (Certificate), International Business (Certificate), Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Science in Health Informatics, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business, Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Policy, Bachelor of Science in Government Contract Management, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in International Business, Bachelor of Science in Data Analytics and Management, Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Information Management, Cyber Security, Software Developer, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Doctor of Education (EdD), Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Education, Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Development, Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Development, Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of Computer Science, Master of Science in Geospatial Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Geospatial Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Associate of Science in Criminal Justice1401 H StreetNWWashingtonDC2000501/31/2025DegreeInstitution License